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Version: v1.2.0

Azure Service Bus Message Pump for Azure Functions

This article describes how you can use Arcus' message handler concept with Azure Functions; allowing you to more easily port your business logic from/to Azure Functions.

Azure Service Bus Message Pump for Azure Functions

While our default message pump system provides a way to receive, route, and handle incoming Service Bus messages which are, unfortunately, not supported in Azure Functions. Today, Azure Functions acts as a message receiver meaning that the function is triggered when a message is available but does not handle message routing and handling. However, in this case, it acts as the message pump.

That's why we extracted our message routing functionality so you can call it directly from your Azure Function.

We will walk you through the process of using message handlers with Azure Functions:

Receive Azure Service Bus message in an Azure Function#

Here's an example of how an Azure Function receives an Azure Service Bus message from a topic:

public class MessageProcessingFunction{    [FunctionName("message-processor")]    public void Run(        [ServiceBusTrigger("%TopicName%", "%SubscriptionName%", Connection = "ServiceBusConnectionString")] Message message,         ILogger log)    {        // Processing message...    }}

Declaring our Azure Service Bus message handlers#

Registering message handlers to process the Service Bus message happens just the same as using a message pump. Here is an example of two message handlers that are being registered during startup:

Processing shipment messages:

public class ShipmentServiceBusMessageHandler : IAzureServiceBusMessageHandler<Shipment>{    private readonly ILogger _logger;
    public ShipmentServiceBusMessageHandler(ILogger<ShipmentServiceBusMessageHandler> logger)    {        _logger = logger;    }
    public async Task ProcessMessageAsync(        Shipment shipment,        AzureServiceBusMessageContext messageContext,        MessageCorrelationInfo correlationInfo,        CancellationToken cancellationToken)    {        _logger.LogInformation("Processing shipment {ShipmentId} for order #{OrderId}", shipment.Id, shipment.Order.Id);    }}

Processing order messages:

public class OrderServiceBusMessageHandler : IAzureServiceBusMessageHandler<Order>{    private readonly ILogger _logger;
    public OrderServiceBusMessageHandler(ILogger<OrderServiceBusMessageHandler> logger)    {        _logger = logger;    }
    public async Task ProcessMessageAsync(        Order order,        AzureServiceBusMessageContext messageContext,        MessageCorrelationInfo correlationInfo,        CancellationToken cancellationToken)    {        log.LogInformation("Processing order {OrderId} for {OrderAmount} units of {OrderArticle} bought by {CustomerFirstName} {CustomerLastName}", order.Id, order.Amount, order.ArticleNumber, order.Customer.    }}

Now that we have created our message handlers, we can declare when we should use them by registering them with our router.

Processing received messages through the message router#

Now that everything is setup, we need to actually use the declared message handlers by routing the messages from the Azure Function into the correct message handler.

To achieve that, we need to add message routing with the .AddServiceBusMessageRouting extension:

[assembly: FunctionsStartup(typeof(Startup))]namespace MessageProcessing{    public class Startup : FunctionsStartup    {        public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder)        {            builder.AddServiceBusMessageRouting()                   .WithServiceBusMessageHandler<OrderV1ServiceBusMessageHandler, OrderV1>(messageContext => messageContext.UserProperties["MessageType"] == MessageType.OrderV1)                   .WithServiceBusMessageHandler<OrderV2ServiceBusMessageHandler, OrderV2>(messageContext => messageContext.UserProperties["MessageType"] == MessageType.OrderV2);        }    }}

This extension will register an IAzureServiceBusMessageRouter interface allows you access to message handling with specific Service Bus operations during the message processing (like dead lettering and abandoning).

It also registers an more general IMessageRouter you can use if the general message routing (with the message raw message body as string as incoming message) will suffice.

We can now inject the message router in our Azure Function and process all messages with it. This will determine what the matching message handler is and process it accordingly:

using Arcus.Messaging.Abstractions.ServiceBus;using Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus;
public class MessageProcessingFunction{    private readonly IAzureServiceBusMessageRouter _messageRouter;    private readonly string _jobId;
    public MessageProcessingFunction(IAzureServiceBusMessageRouter messageRouter)    {        _jobId = $"job-{Guid.NewGuid()}";        _messageRouter = messageRouter;    }
    [FunctionName("message-processor")]    public void Run(        [ServiceBusTrigger("%TopicName%", "%SubscriptionName%", Connection = "ServiceBusConnectionString")] ServiceBusReceivedMessage message,         ILogger log,        CancellationToken cancellationToken)    {        AzureServiceBusMessageContext messageContext = message.GetMessageContext(_jobId);        MessageCorrelationInfo correlationInfo = message.GetCorrelationInfo();
        _messageRouter.ProcessMessageAsync(message, messageContext, correlationInfo, cancellationToken);    }}

Upon receival of an Azure Service Bus message, the message will be either routed to one of the two previously registered message handlers.

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