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Version: v1.0.0

Azure Service Bus Features

We provide several additional features related to message creation and message/context discoverability.


This features requires to install our NuGet package:

PM > Install-Package Arcus.Messaging.ServiceBus.Core

Simplify Creating Service Bus Messages#

Starting from the message body, we provide an extension to quickly wrap the content in a valid Azure Service Bus Message type that can be send.

using Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus;
string rawString = "Some raw content";ServiceBusMessage stringMessage = rawString.AsServiceBusMessage();
Order order = new Order("some order id");Message orderMessage = order.AsServiceBusMessage();

We also provide additional, optional parameters during the creation:

using Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus;
byte[] rawBytes = new [] { 0x54, 0x12 };ServiceBusMessage = byteMessage = rawBytes.AsServiceBusMessage(    operationId: Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),    transactionId: Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),    encoding: Encoding.UTF8);

Simplify Message Information Discovery#

On receive, the Azure Service Bus message contains a set of .ApplicationProperties with additional information ie. correlation. This information can be accessed in a more simplified way:

using Arcus.Messaging.Abstractions;using Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus;
ServiceBuMessage message = ...
// Extracted all correlation information from the `.ApplicationProperties` and wrapped inside a valid correlation type.MessageCorrelationInfo correlationInfo = message.GetCorrelationInfo();
// Extract only the transaction identifier from the correlation information.string transactionId = message.GetTransactionId();
// Extract a user property in a typed manner.string myCustomPropertyValue = message.GetUserProperty<string>("my-custom-property-key");

Simplify Message Context Information Discovery#

On receive, the context in which the message is received contains a set of .ApplicationProperties with additional information ie. encoding. This information can be access in a more simplified way:

using Arcus.Messaging.Abstractions;
// Extract the encoding information from the `.ApplicationProperties` and wrapped inside a valid `Encoding` type.MessageContext messageContext = ...Encoding encoding = messageContext.GetMessageEncodingProperty();

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